On The Lookout for the big 5

Are you guaranteed to see the Big 5 on your safari to Tanzania, is probably one of our most asked questions, and the short answer is no, as you are basically not guaranteed to see any animals. But with our experienced safari guides, you will definitely get a good chance, which is why we will answer with a longer answer below. If this has not been one of your burning questions about going on a safari to Tanzania, and now you are actually just wondering who the Big 5 is, then that is the first question we will answer. 

Who is the Big 5 and why are they called that?

The Big 5 includes the lion, leopard, African bush elephant, black rhino, and African buffalo. The term, the Big 5, originated many years ago and was a term used among hunters who referred to these animals as the hardest to hunt by foot. The Big 5 term has definitely stuck around and is still widely used in the tourism industry and when talking about a safari. 

Leopard is one of the Big 5
Lion is one of the Big 5

Where can you find the big 5?

Leopards can be found in all of the national parks in Tanzania but don’t be fooled, there is actually a very slim chance that you will be able to see a leopard. They are very hard to spot, as they are very good at hiding in the bush or the tree, so keep your eyes peeled at all times. 

Lions are easier to find than leopards, as they don’t hide, so you will see them sleeping in the shadow or taking a stroll around the savanna. You can also be lucky to see tree-climbing lions. 

Buffalos can be found in any national park in Tanzania and are a pretty easy find. You can also see buffalos in Arusha National Park, so you won’t even have to go very far in order to see a buffalo. 

Elephants are also a pretty easy find, especially in Tarangire National Park, which is famous for its large herds of elephants. In Arusha National Park, you will have to be very lucky in order to see elephants as they hide in the bush, but in Serengeti, you will see them playing in the waterhole or walking around the endless plains. 

Now to the black rhino, a critically endangered species and therefore very difficult to see on safari in Tanzania as they are highly protected and there aren’t many left. If you are very lucky, then it is possible to spot the black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater, as they roam freely here. Otherwise, you will have to drive to another national park which is called Mkomazi National Park, where they live in a protected area. 

So in conclusion, even though there is nothing guaranteed when going on a safari to Tanzania, then you should be able to see 3 out of 5 of the Big 5, and if you’re lucky then 4, and if you’re even luckier then all 5. With that being said, then you are maybe wondering exactly where you should go on a safari in order to do so, but this should be possible with our ideal safari itinerary, which you can find here

Buffalos is one of the Big 5
Elephant is one of the Big 5
Black Rhino is one of the Big 5

We hope that this gave you some insight on what to expect on your safari to Tanzania if you’re eager to see the Big 5. We don’t know if we would say that these animals are the only must-see animals on safari, even as spectacular as they are. Just to go on a safari is an incredible experience no matter what animals you might encounter, and we must also add that seeing a cheetah for example is just as exceptional as the Big 5. If you are intrigued to go on a lookout for the Big 5, a cheetah, or other animals, then a safari in Tanzania is definitely ideal for you. And look no further, we can plan it for you exactly how you want it, just send us an email at info@msafiritanzania.com or click on the pretty green WhatsApp button to chat with us now! 

Are you wondering what to bring on your safari, or wanting to see more nature and culture than the Big 5, or go to the beach, then read these: